Friday, July 8, 2011


FLAT STOMACH.   Two words that can send frissons of fear into the female heart. 
Our minds and souls become paralysed.  Thoughts, usually filled with guilt about last night's dessert, swell your brain.  Those two words can cause an explosion of voices and such fevered emotion  that onlookers, or foreign travelers, would swear a duel might imminently ensue.  It can't - we are too busy asphyxiating ourselves holding in our stomachs.
Well, don't fear. Help is on the way.  
You know how I have mentioned that orange and green are my fashion color enemies? 
Well , in food choices they are just golden. 
I have discovered my munchie food friends and none of them are fried.

I have to admit that I suffer from mandible motion mania or munchie madness. 
In other words. I have a constant need to chew and swallow food while I am reading (which is quite often, book-worm that I am), watching TV (usually only Sunday nights at 9), studying, (the times vary widely), writing (such as this very moment). 
These are activities, keep in mind, where one is stationery, either lying down or sitting, 

 I found this very bad habit impossible to control until I decided that I wasn't going to tame it, just change it - and re-thought what type of snacking  I would use.  In the past, crackers and cereal were my chew of choice.  I used to pat myself on the back for not opting for the "bad" choice of cookies or ice cream. What greater fool was I! 

My healthy drugs, er I mean foods, of choice, (though now I do crave them - oh joy!)  ensure that I get the crunch and chew satisfaction that I must have,  along with a feeling of satiety (Merriam Webster definition 1 not 2 ) without the guilt of calories and a swollen stomach.



CARROTS- fiber, Vitamins A & C                                     One cup= approx 50 cal.
JICAMA -potassium and Vitamin C                                   One cup = approx 45 cal.
RED,ORANGE & YELLOW PEPPERS -                           One cup =approx  30 cal. 
   lots of Vitamin C in all 3 though red is best  
ROMAINE LETTUCE                                                       Doesn't matter - so few cal.
JALAPENO PEPPERS - capsaicin - great for arthritis       Can you even eat one cup?
                                       go slow on this one.

Yes there are lots of other often recommended veggies such as celery, which I found boring,  broccoli - which I love cooked or raw, but if munching in public can create "green teeth smile" so be warned.  I choose the above because these items can be purchased pre-washed and pre-sliced so that it is all easy-peazy lazy lady-like. 

EXERCISE TIP:  Stomach exercises work as long as you concentrate on the specific area and lift and lower while always keeping the muscle tensed.  If you do them quickly, just lifting your head and not your shoulders,  and/or  fully release your muscle upon lowering you are accomplishing very little and will not see the results as quickly. 
Also, in order to see results, and maintain them, you should be doing crunches, upper and lower along with oblique crunches ideally 4-6x a week.  You want even quicker results?  Use a stability ball -  or an incline bench - or hold a 5 lb. dumbbell on your upper chest - work it!

EXTRA FLAT TUMMY TIP:   don't drink your calories gals,  I mean soda, or frozen margaritas .  A complete waste on your waist.  That's where those calories go - right to your middle.  Choose water with lemon instead.  Sparkly if you need the fizz. (like me)  My on-the-go favorite is  Vitamin Water ZERO - Mixed Berry.

 I know I sound like a broken record but go to for Brazil Tummy Tuck exercises.  He is the fitness trainer not I.  I am only a convert,  who tried it and found it to be true - oh and my waist is the same as when I was 20.  So it works if you work it.

JUST TO GET THINGS SORTED I would like to re-confirm that I am simply a woman who is making recommendations based upon my own experiences.  I am sharing what worked for me after much experimentation.  This blog is aimed to empower women on how to feel beautiful and take control of their bodies, and increase self-image and self-satisfaction levels in order to experience REAL not "reel" beauty.  I am  hoping that you are relating to a woman who is just like you  - a woman from the neighborhood who doesn't have tons of money for trainers, food deliveries, cosmetic surgery or any of those other not mentioned "beauty secret helpers"  that create tabloid goddesses. 
 If you have any serious health conditions or allergies kindly review any of these suggestions first with your doctor. 

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