Sunday, July 1, 2012


 A Joanna Dinner. Notice the Italian Lemon Juice.
Pictures by Joanna Bonaro 
What can I say about stringbeans?  I wax poetic.  These have taken me from thick to thin and anything in-between. They are crunchy when raw, so that I satisfy my chewing fetish.  They let me absent mindedly munch when I am reading a book.  (A habit left-over from my 12-19thc English Lit and Acting double major college days - then it was corn muffins, but post 40 means adjustments must be made) 
When micro-waved, (yes I buy STEAMERS microwaveable bags, so that any cleaning up before or after is obliterated.  I believe in less work not more)  and seasoned with  Lemon Juice, garlic, 2 TBLspoons white wine, some H2O, and either curry or red pepper, they make a terrific dinner -- alone or with broiled sole, chicken or salmon.  Sublime!    Low Calorie -- guilt free -- finger food - no fork necessary, mindless, chewy, and tasty!  

Who could ask for anything more?  you live green to save the earth, why not eat green to save your body and your sanity?

When I am healthy and driven, or injured and held back, I rely on them.  When I go ballistic and I need to eat, eat, eat!!!!! and just pig out!!!!!!! - well it doesn't have to be so self-destructive.  It can be green and filling.  Then if I still need a Baci, well, my stomach is full, and the chocolate fix can be sated without eating a whole bar.  Stringbean's bring it back to "what am I doing to myself?" "Do I really want to do this?" (meaning the chocolate cookies or box, for that matter.) And, the next morning, "I am soooo veryyyyy proud of myself! Hurrah!"

So when my girlfriends who are over 40 and trying to lose 5,10, or even 20 pounds and ask "how did you DO it?" , "how do you KEEP IT OFF?", I tell them, hard work, Brazil Buttlift, constant activity, making magnificent food choices, and STRINGBEANS!
Just please don't use oil. If you must -- literally -- a teaspoon will do.  Salt, a smidgen, again, only if absolutely necessary.  Don't ruin the magic by fattening it up.  You will come to look at it as your saviour savory.   It will work for you if you work with it.  Add jalapenos, cumin, curry, oregano, sage, onion powder -- any spice will do.  Whatever works for you for additional taste.  I still prefer lemon overall.   Even if ultimately you give in to weakness, your stomach will still have been filled up by a nutritious, healthy substance, so you will STILL BE CONSUMING LESS.

If stringbeans don't ring your bell, then I suggest, asparagus, broccoli (VERY FILLING), spinach or lettuce.  Learn to love green!!!!!!

Yup! Opened and used. 2 for a filling dinner. So low calorie, quantity is not an issue.
pictures by Joanna Bonaro

2 Greenbean Steamers
1/4 cup part water and white wine
Garlic powder
Onion flakes
Red pepper powder or flakes
2 tblspn Lemon Juice or fresh squeezed lemon
Mix and enjoy!

If you are still hungry, 2-3 WASA crackers, with Weight Watchers Swiss Cheese - 2 wedges and even a glass of red or white wine.  Filling, healthy and low cal. 

My cancer fitness journey --
blogs 1,2,3,6,8,10 & 14

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