Thursday, March 1, 2012


(Part 2)

Heather Tea at The Balmoral

I had the great opportunity to travel to Scotland recently.  This is a country with a unique culture and people who are creative, authentic and unique. You can learn a heck of alot from a Scot! 
We stayed at The Balmoral, in Edinburgh, a wonderful hotel overlooking the river with a grand view of the Edinburgh Castle Battlements. 
Yes, this was my view. Spend a day walking uphill to the main 12thc Chapel and you have earned the right to eat a hearty lunch.  
We toured with one of the friendliest, nicest, down-to-earth woman I have ever had the honor to meet.  Her name is Helen Fraser, and she runs
Afternoon Tea Tours.

We discovered Helen and her wonders because we wanted to experience a Scottish High Tea.  The tea and scones in Scotland
rival the ones from London. 
High Tea at Cringletie House w/ Helen!
I highly recommend Highland Tea, and Heather Tea.  Satisfying, sweet and with a touch of lemon a truly satisfying low calorie late nite treat.  But for special occasions, a Highland Tea of warm scones, homemade jams, cucumber sandwiches, and just a few wee cookies during a rainy day, fulfills all your needs. Especially when you are with your favorite guy! 

We began our journey with a wish for tea, and ended with a wonderful, warm friend. She embodies what Scottish charm and sensibility are all about. No Hollywood slickness, nor smarmy commercialism here.   Just real concern that we, her charges, did all we set out to do and more - Helen, once she discovers what you like - makes time for unexpected and delightful adventures. We frequented many castles, toured turrets, discovered exuberant gardens, meandered through mazes in the sunshine and rain,

 and drove towards, a hurricane so that we could explore the heather filled Highlands.  A mere hurricane didn't bother Helen at all.  We drove right behind it. Sublime. (She also loves to explore and walk so we kept pace very well indeed. I even got out and ran along the car down a long castle bound roadway.  I was getting too antsy sitting.) 

Now since this blog is about fitness too, I will tell you that walking the Moors, amidst the heather is a great way to not only build your appetite, but also to burn those calories.  Surrounded by an astounding array of hills, mountains, ravines and every shade of green, one can understand why the Scots are known for their robust, hardy constitutions, and their hearty sense of humour.
Glen Coe trails and Heather!

I think they embody individualism.  This is the country that gave birth to genius, Alexander McQueen. In fact, on our way to a wonderful mountain folly, at Glen Coe, hiking uphill to view the raging waterfalls, we passed a man with a homemade walking stick, white unruly hair, and a trusty dog who muttered in the Highland way, "aye" as way of greeting without stopping.   (the man not the dog!)
A serendipitously authentic Scottish experience.  He could have come out of central casting.  Alas, asking him to stop for a photo op seemed completely out of the question.

It is a bit hard to find salads and steamed veggies in Scotland.  A request for egg white omelettes warrants blank stares.  These people like hearty food. Yet, they stay thin - must be all the hiking.  Helen, however, did her best to scout out places where I could imbibe lemon heather tea to my hearts content along with steaming vegetable soups.  The bread here is outstanding so, yes, I indulged.  One small whole grain roll eaten mid-day, so fresh and delicious, was worth it. Tasty, filling and healthy. 
You must eat at Angels with Bagpipes restaurant on the Royal Mile.   A new, modern hip restaurant that won't break the budget with authentic Scottish fare and the best salmon to be had in town. 
I know, for I ate fresh, grilled fish every single night, in various restaurants. (though, I had to ask for it to be grilled, no butter, with lemon)

Shopping is wonderful too. One can find very reasonable cashmere sweaters, scarves and gloves along The Royal Mile. 
Blue Collar Babes crave cashmere. Right gals?!
For very fashionable fare, I highly recommend  ArkAngel and Felon Boutique  
Owned by a Fashion Stylist for major fashion shows, shoots, and stars.  This woman knows how to pick out the trends, showcase the hottest new designers,  and present them in a lovely, intimate shop.  Situated in the "newer" hip sections of Edinburgh. New York has nothing on her!

I plan to spend Hogmanay (celebrating the New Year with bagpipes and scotch) there one day very soon.  The Scots love to dance, hence, the Scottish jig.... but there always seems to be a reason to dance and sing, and I for one think they actually out-do the Italians.  It is quite romantic. 

And of course, there is Robert Burns and his Ode to the Lasses. 
Best lines see highlighted below!

    GREEN GROW THE RASHES        by Robert Burns

Green grow the rashes, O!
Green grow the rashes, O!
The sweetest hours that e'er I spend,
Are spent amang the lasses, O!

There's nought but care on every han'
In every hour that passes, O;

What signifies the life o' man,
An 'twere na for the lasses, O?

The warl'ly race may riches chase,
An' riches still may fly them, O;
An' though at last they catch them fast,
Their hearts can ne'er enjoy them, O.

But gi'e me a canny hour at e'en,
My arms about my dearie, O,
An' warl'ly cares an' warl'ly men
May a' gae tapsalteerie, O!

For you sae douce, ye sneer at this,
Ye're nought but senseless asses, O;
The wisest man the warl' e'er saw,
He dearly loved the lasses, O.

Auld Nature swears the lovely dears
Her noblest work she classes, O;
Her 'prentice han' she tried on man,
An' then she made the lasses, O.

The Waterfalls at Glen Coe & Helen's surprise!

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Oh and for the record, these are my personal endorsements - I don't get anything for them.  Part of the plan to pay it forward whenever you can.  The best part of giving is not expecting to receive. Just do it freely, but you Blue Collar Gal Hotties already know that don't you?  We are a great bunch!

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