Sunday, May 29, 2011


This blog is founded on helping women over 40 feel empowered and very pretty on a day to day basis.  I have been in the image industry where how you look and present yourself is of the utmost importance for most of my adult life.  At times the only requisite when you walk in a room is how you look.  In the cosmetic industry, the first thing that was drummed into my head was, "Image is everything."  This rule applies itself everyday, but amplify it one hundred fold in the entertainment industry.
As is apparent,  I am not a star, (still I work) a renowned great beauty, (considered pretty) or leggy stick thin model, (size 4 is borderline ok - 6 still considered fat) but I have seen what goes on behind the glamour curtain.
Baby, you ain't born that way. So here is the grit behind the glimmer.

I quite unexpectedly got a call to Walk the Red Carpet at the Dallas Int'l Film Festival for a film I was cast in, "Traveling."
I will admit  - Yes! I was pretty excited. 
And for all you denigrators - So, so sorry it wasn't Cannes, or Sundance or Holly Lolly Wood.
              (BTW - Maria Bello and Anne Margaret opened the festival)
At least I get to say I did it. 
It may be the only time.
Or it may be have been good practice for the future. 
Who knows?
This blog, however, is what went on BEFORE the event. The next blog will focus on AFTER.
I call it From Red Carpet to Reality - or Hilarity. 

Walking the Red Carpet!  I got quite an amount of positive support, (thank you, thank you, thank you) along with lots of questions.
"How did you prepare for it?"
"Wow! Was it wonderful?"
"Were you nervous in front of the cameras?"
and of course
"What are you going to wear?"
So the journey began...
After it sank in, I basically panicked because I don't have
1. an assistant 2. a stylist 3. an image consultant
4. a press agent or any other of the cadre of people
that do all the work for you, behind the scenes.
Then I took a deep breathe and remembered that I do
1. have my own sense of style 2. know my image
3. am a self starter and 4.  have lots of marketing experience.
In other words --- I had confidence in myself. 
That adds up to a whole lot of pretty before one even starts. 
But really, that's just minutae. 
Let's get to the important stuff....the dress.
Off I went - to every store in NYC. I wanted to wear red. My color.  Always lots of compliments.  EXCEPT --- Valentine's Day had just passed, the new Spring fashions were on display, and the colors this season, as I came to be aware (or be wary of) are beige, orange and green. Cafeteria colors.
Now what was I supposed to do with that? 
Needless to say, there was nary a red dress in any store in all of New York City.  Hrrrmph. 
I would also like to mention the word,  "PROM."  Yes, that time of year was approaching, so looking for a tasteful cocktail dress amidst, froth, fluff, netting in unlikely places, exceedingly short hemlines and pastel pink was no easy task either.
After purchasing a total of 6, yes 6 dresses, (hope you are factoring all this travel, time, effort and indecision in the dressing room + hubby stating, "another one?") my dear friend said to me while I unhappily modelled a lilac concoction in my bedroom, " Do you want me to come with you to return the dress at the Madison Avenue store?" ( I can perform in front of hundreds but returning a purchase from Madison Avenue brings on frissons of fear)  I said, "yes, yes, yes!" 
Off we went. 
In the window was a black dress with gold necklace collar that I would have never picked out. 
She said, "That's the one." 
I said, "No, I will not wear black on camera, I never wear gold, plus too formal." 
She countered with, "Shut-up and listen to me for once in your life, you will look elegant and sophisticated." 
I said begrudgingly, "Well, I can try it on." 
Guess who was right? 
Oh it was Max Azria for those who care.

Part 2 will describe the experience and OH!!! the afterwards.
Otherwise known as "The Ecstacy then the Agony."
For the record, I did not trip.

PRACTICAL FASHION TIP  -- when wearing new shoes, sandpaper the bottom of the soles. The roughened texture guarantees you won't slip on carpeted or wooden floors.



  1. great; really vivid, engaging and fun..also creates a sense of drama; what is going to happen next.

    sincerely, Impressed

  2. Martine posted as anonymous..oops

  3. Can't wait to read how the event went... please post a picture of your dress - sounds divine!!
    Just think, if you had all those "people" helping you, you would miss the whole shopping experience, and that would be so boring. Great blog, don't let us wait to long to read part 2!

  4. Your biggest Fan across the PondJune 7, 2011 at 1:55 AM

    Brilliant!! And I've seen a photo of the dress, and it is indeed elegant and sophisticated and you looked very happy; very, very confident and very, very, very beautiful in it. And finished magnificantly with red lipsick. Good Girl.
