Sunday, March 13, 2011

#2 HOT OVER 40! BEING GLAMOR - US ! Yes I mean you!

BEING GLAMOROUSWhat exactly does that mean to the everyday woman?
I saw that on an ad while walking down the street the other day. My first thought was , "Come ON! here we go again with Madison Avenue doing its best to make us all feel inadequate and just a bit grungy so we will buy, buy, buy." Of course it didn't help that I had just gotten off the sardine tight bus, sweaty from the crowd yet cold from the windy street and carrying 4 bags of groceries because I didn't want to pay the $5.00 delivery fee.  The glamours of living in Manhattan.
Then I paused.
Perhaps my viewpoint was a bit too narrow.
Perhaps I should redefine it for myself.  And for all you ladies out there too who might be thinking the same way.  For US!
Sure, its easy to feel glamourous when dressed up for a major event, hair and makeup to perfection, nails polished, jewelry just so. But why does it have to be for a big celebration, or a hot date night out either single or married?
After all, being glamorous doesn't have to mean BIG does it? 
If you think small but priceless  - then actually its quite easy. 
Glamour doesn't have to be bought. 
It can be a saucy smile, a sway of the hip, and that backward glance at a handsome stranger.  It's all about an attitude of glamour.
Try it.
Say to yourself, "I. simply. am. not. glamorous."  Doesn't feel too hot does it.
Now say,  "You know what? I am glamorous!  Because I say so!".  Doesn't that bring just a teeny smile to your face?  Didn't you just brighten your day all by yourself?
I hope so.  Because you should. 
My point is that the message to be glamorous should not be -- "if only I bought this, or looked like that, or lived somewhere else."  Being glamour-us should be within our own power and perception to provide.
I am not discounting that pretty turqoise top, the silvery sparkle shoes I just had to buy that make me happy, or the particular shade of red lipstick that brightens my face.... they all have their benefits and value.
I am simply saying that it feels good to feel beautiful and since I believe it is every woman's right to feel that way, I am trying to give us all the stream of consciousness tools that just might perk us up to feelin' pretty- even in grungy sweat pants while taking out the garbage.  Because when I did throw out the garbage today, feeling quite the glam girl, my next door neighbor remarked - "don't you look beaming today!"  - throwing out the garbage never felt so good. It could become a habit. Now smile.

BEAUTY TIP - I use Crest White Strips.  They are less expensive and easy to use.  Just pop them on before showering.  A few minutes every day for a week.  Then repeat every 2 months.  Less costly than the dentists office. However, I do recommend a professional if your teeth are very stained.  A bright white smile adds to your dazzle and confidence every minute of the day.

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